Commercial & Residential Painting & Wallpapering Services.
At Lupher’s Painting Inc we take pride in taking courses to expand our knowledge and skills of the trade. These skills allow us to provide you with the most up to date finishes and products in a safe environment. We offer a variety of trade related services. Feel free to contact us with any and all questions you may have regarding your project.
We do interior and exterior painting and resteration. Small remodels, kitchens,bathrooms. Our expertice is in condimioms exterior, interiour drywall,texture, floors. Deck sanding, stripping and staining. We also do pressur washing. High lifting crane services.
We use high quality materials from various number of stores ( Kwal Paint, Sherwin Williams and Columbia products.)
We do services in Sun Valley woodriver area and Magic Valley and Twin Falls area
Commercial Painting
Residential Painting
We also offer all type of services:
- Dry Wall
- Textoring
- Small Remodels
- Counter Tops
- Tile
And Many More….!!